Greece to block TTIP unless geographical indications are protected

EXCLUSIVE / The Greek government is ready to veto the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) between the US and the EU unless it ensures increased protection for key agricultural geographical indicators.

TTIP protest in London. [Global Justice Now / Flickr]

Donec et orci aliquet nisl suscipit molestie sed sit amet tortor. Duis vel urna ac mi sollicitudin lacinia mollis sit amet lorem. Sed finibus erat nec libero scelerisque fringilla. Morbi at orci sed urna vulputate vulputate. Nulla facilisi. Donec et orci aliquet nisl suscipit molestie sed sit amet tortor.

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Reacting to the publication of this article, Greece’s Minister of Interior and Administrative Reconstruction, Panagiotis Kouroumplis, told EURACTIV:

“Already in October 2014, I tabled a question for the TTIP, which was signed by 50 Syriza lawmakers. I expressed deep concerns about several aspects of the agreement, such as the opacity in the negotiations, the democratic deficit of the agreement, lifting the precautionary principle, the excessive protection of investors and the circumvention of labor rights and environmental standards.”

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